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Entering the World's Leading Universities Just Got Easier!

Our tech-supported counseling service, backed by over 20 years of experience and recognized in the World Record Book, doubles your chances of getting into the world's top 200 universities, often with scholarships.

FREE 30-minute call with our expert for top university admissions

Top 100 Admits
Scholarship Received
Google Reviews

ToeflGoGlobal Acceptance Rate

On an average ToeflGlobian have 2X more chances of landing a dream admit in top universities than through other consultancies or themselves

Harvard University

Harvard University

General Acceptance Rate: 5%

TGG Acceptance Rate: 14%

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University

General Acceptance Rate: 18%

TGG Acceptance Rate: 36%

Columbia University

Columbia University

General Acceptance Rate: 15%

TGG Acceptance Rate: 30%

Imperial College London

Imperial College London

General Acceptance Rate: 15%

TGG Acceptance Rate: 30%

Oxford University

Oxford University

General Acceptance Rate: 17%

TGG Acceptance Rate: 34%

Cornell University

Cornell University

General Acceptance Rate: 15%

TGG Acceptance Rate: 30%

Duke University

Duke University

General Acceptance Rate: 20%

TGG Acceptance Rate: 40%

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania

General Acceptance Rate: 15%

TGG Acceptance Rate: 30%

University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge

General Acceptance Rate: 20%

TGG Acceptance Rate: 40%

But, how do we do it?

You might be curious about how this works. It's not just by chance. We've combined our counselors' vast experience with a database of over a million admission and rejection records to craft a service that consistently helps students get into top universities.

Here's a quick overview of our process:

1. Team of 50+ experts

Our dedicated team includes 50+ specialists: a test prep coach, primary and secondary counselors, a document editor, a visa expert, and a financial advisor.

2. Personal Dashboard

Easily track your entire application process and communicate with us through your custom dashboard on our app or website.

3. Comprehensive Tracking System

Our backend dashboard allows us to monitor your entire journey from start to finish.

4. Mentorship

Our large community data helps connecting you with peers and experienced mentors for valuable guidance.

Note: University representatives spend 7 to 8 minutes reviewing each application—the same application that students spend 300 to 500 hours preparing!

Our experienced counselors will not only share the burden of these 500 hours with you but also help showcase your best qualities in your applications, recommend suitable universities and courses, and help you avoid mistakes that could cost you an entire year or a ton of money.


Can you get into top uni by yourself?

"Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”

Study abroad application is no rocket science, and in all honesty, you can do this by yourself. However, thousands of students do attempt to do it themselves each year, only to face the below problems eventually:

Self-(un)Selection Bias:

"My profile is not strong enough to crack a top-50 university, I will only apply to universities beyond 100th or 150th rank"

Misleading and overload of information:

  • "My friends say it's better to avoid justifying my 3rd year backlogs scores through my illness issue in the SOP"
  • "First link on Google search says 15th Dec deadline and second link says 20th Dec"

Not understanding university requirements clearly:

  • "Have I made the ATS and VPN application for German Institutes correctly?"
  • "GRE optional vs GRE blind universities"

Stress and Anxiety:

  • "What if my VISA gets rejected?"
  • "3 of my friends got XYZ admits, but I still haven't heard back after 36 days ..."
  • "My GRE is next week, and I am not prepared yet"

Missed Opportunities:

  • "I didn't know I was eligible for a scholarship at this university"
  • "My university is asking for a GRE score, and I haven't taken it!"

Unable to showcase achievements:

  • "I don't have anything interesting to showcase in my SOP"
  • "How do I put all my achievements in a 2 page resume?"

Problem is that you’ll only realise a lot of things only after doing them, by which time it will be too late. Counsellors have the experience of hundreds of students, and the TGG Premium platform collectively has experience of tens of thousands of students. Learn from their mistakes, rather than making yours first. This is too crucial to make mistakes and then learn.

How does a counsellor help?

Some of the most important benefits of availing a counselling service:

  • Strategy: getting into top universities requires a well planned strategy, which only an experienced counsellor can form
  • Coach: just getting a gym membership won’t make you fit; a trainer who makes sure you work-out will. A counsellor is your coach who will make sure you work towards that coveted admit.
  • Save money during applications: save thousands of rupees by not applying to wrong universities, avoiding visa rejections, avoiding taking tests multiple times, etc.
  • Save money in your education: save lakhs of rupees in your course fees by improving the chances of getting a scholarship drastically and through better interest rates on education loans.
  • Save time: by outsourcing some of your work to counsellor you save time; but more importantly by getting right admits or avoiding visa rejections, you can prevent wasting an entire semester or even a year.
  • Cheerleader: this journey can be an emotional rollercoaster ride. Counsellors will be there to always support you, listen to you, motivate you and soothe your anxieties.

Remember, there are no extra points for playing life on hard mode.

Counsellors are an easy mode. Take it. Your goal is not to learn and do the process yourself, but to get into a good university and study.

What are different types of counselling services available in the market?

There are 3 types of counsellors out there:

  1. Premium (like TGG where you pay for the services — generally upwards of Rs 30,000)
  2. Agents (where you don’t pay anything or pay a minimal amount to the service provider, but they make money from the universities)
  3. YOU (or your friends / family) — if you are doing the process by yourself then you are your own counsellor

Why do you charge for counselling?

"If you are not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you’re the product being sold.”

The right question to ask is why are others not charging (or charging very little)?